Our basketballs are pumped up… are you?


We’re looking for games to run 12/9 through 3/2, with practices starting mid-to-late November. Teams will practice twice a week in the evenings, gym time permitting. Games will be on weekends. Travel teams may have a few weeknight games. 1st-2nd grades will have Coach-run games Saturday mornings.

We hope to have an Open Gym for grades 3-6 who are interested in coming to travel tryouts. Attending does not commit a player to coming to tryouts – come check it out! Information will be out soon. Hopefully, 10/17.

Travel Tryouts will be held 10/24 evening and 10/28 afternoon. We encourage everyone to attend these Open Gym style, low pressure practices. Players interested in making a travel team need to attend at least one session, but we encourage players to attend both.

We Need Your Help:
Please consider helping us out on and/or off the court this season.