Coaches Corner

Being a basketball coach for youth athletes is a profound honor, as it involves shaping not just future players, but also their character and life skills. Each practice and game offers a unique opportunity to foster growth, encourage sportsmanship, and inspire passion in the game of basketball.

When asked coaches the notable successes from the 2023/2024 season, they said...

"We were able to introduce some pretty advanced tactics for this age group. By not lowering the bar, and sometimes kind of shadow-relying on your better players in practice, you can achieve a rising tides lift all boats environment."

"The kids having fun and really understanding the rules and the sport. I feel like most if not all we’re asking to keep playing and didn’t want the season to end."

"We improved as a team in all skills everyone scored and touched the ball and we won the championship for 2nd year in a row"

"Having 9 of 10 kids score a basket in a game; back door cuts; help defense"

"The girls on the team had a lot of fun and were able to work together. As the season progressed we were able to see the girls skills improve."

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