
The link to register is halfway down this page, however, please take a moment to read the information below.
Basketball season is almost here and we are very excited to be opening up registration for the 2019-2020 season!
Registration will close October 15. After that, there will be late fees.
We are proud to announce that our registration fee has not gone up in a few years and is $55 for 1st and 2nd graders and $85 for all others, again.
As with last year, all 1st and 2nd graders will receive a uniform tee shirt that they can keep once the season is done.
Free Logo Magnet
All players will receive a free SVYB logo magnet that they can put on their locker or you can put on your car. They will be handed out during the first week of practices.
Travel tryouts will be announced as soon as we finalize what days each grade will have their tryouts, we will post that information.
Tee Shirt and Short Ordering
All players will receive a uniform to use during the season. The 1st and 2nd graders, as mentioned above, receive a tee shirt, but no shorts. The 3rd and 4th grade boys and girls receive a jersey, but no shorts (we will be getting new uniform jerseys for these group this season). All others players get jerseys and shorts. We have found that most kids like to wear tee shirts under their uniforms. So, this year, we are offering a completely optional tee shirt that they can wear under their jersey (although any tee shirt is allowed under their jerseys) that has SVYB logos that show on the sleeve and collar. Additionally, for the players that don't have shorts as part of their uniforms, we are offering optional shorts that you can purchase in three colors - red, grey and black with a red digital camo print on the side.
If you would like to purchase the shorts and/or shirt, please make sure to select them on the registration form and make sure to select a size. If you would like to purchase additional shirts or shorts, please send us an email.
7th and 8th Grade Boys
Like last year, we hope to field at least one boys 7th and 8th grade rec team. Registration for that will open after middle school tryouts are complete.
This year, we will have a separate registration form to fill out for coaches to allow us to more easily track clearances. We know that coaches already do enough for us, however we do need to ask you to take a couple of minutes to register. The link is below.
Online and Offline Payments
As in the past, offline payment will be allowed as long as we receive them by October 15, otherwise an additional $20 will be added to the registration cost. For these payments, make the check out to "Saucon Valley Youth Basketball" and send it to:
Tom Keenan
2090 Dolores Lane
Hellertown, PA 18055
TeamSnap Tips
Here are some helpful tips about our online registration system...
- If you applied online last year or used our TeamSnap system:
- please log in using your same username/password (your username is typically your email address)
- use the 'forgot password' feature to recover your password if you have fogotten it
- your child(ren)'s information and parent contact information will carry over and save you time
- please double check the information to ensure it's accurate and current
- If you're new to our organization, please sign in and create a TeamSnap account for yourself (using parent's info). The next screen will allow you to enter your child(ren)'s information
- Multiple child registrations are easily supported in one session.
- Pay online via credit card (VISA, MC, AMEX, Discover). Your choice!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to deadlines for entering local leagues, all registrations must be received by October 15, 2018. Registrations received after this date are subject to a $20 late fee.
If you are experiencing any technical difficulties with the online registration process please email us and you'll receive a response within 24 hours. If you do not know your password or user name, please use TeamSnap's Forgot Password feature.